Se til å få sett Trillingene fra Belleville tvert! Les Filmpolitiets anmeldelse HER.

Sylvain Chomet er i ferd med å ferdigstille sin neste film, The Illusionist, og dette ser også ut til å bli en film du bare kan sette på på søndagsformiddagen og la stå i bakgrunnen mens alt går seg til og flyter på plass.

Her er det Pathe Films har å si om The Illusionist:

The Illusionist is one of a dying breed of stage entertainers. With emerging rock stars stealing his thunder, he is forced to accept increasingly obscure assignments in fringe theatres, at garden parties and in bars and cafés. However, whilst performing in a village pub off the west coast of Scotland, he encounters Alice, an innocent young girl, who will change his life forever.

The Illusionist (foto: Pathe Films)
The Illusionist (foto: Pathe Films)

Watching his performance to the excited villagers who are celebrating the arrival of electricity to their remote island, Alice becomes awestruck by our hero and believes his tricks are real magic. Following him to Edinburgh, she keeps his home while he goes to work in a small local theatre. Enchanted by her enthusiasm for his act, he rewards her with increasingly lavish gifts he has ‘conjured’ into existence.

The Illusionist (foto: Pathe Films)
The Illusionist (foto: Pathe Films)

Desperate not to disappoint her, he cannot bring himself to reveal that magic does not exist and that buying these gifts is driving him to ruin. But as Alice comes of age, she finds love and moves on. The Illusionist no longer has to pretend and, untangled from his own web of deceit, resumes his life as a travelling entertainer, a much wiser man.

Dette er definitivt noe Filmpolitiet gleder seg til, og et bevis på at animasjonen kan overgå virkeligheten i skjønnhet.

Har du sett noe så nydelig som sekvensen der fuglen flyr over vannet mens toget ruller over brua i det siste?

The Illusionist har premiere 20.august i år.

The Illusionist (foto: Pathe Films)
The Illusionist (foto: Pathe Films)